Saturday, 8 May 2010

what do you think?

good morning, sorry for the late post you guys.
for this week's blog i would like to know what does good service mean to you? how do we become a good server? and what do you think about the service nowadays.

go ahead and express yourselves :)


  1. wihh gati huii : D hahahahaha

    a good service to me means:
    knows the procedures of SOP well, has a good attitudes and smile, friendly, can read the guest's mind before the guest ask anything and has a strong serving spirit. We can be a good server by completing the criterias i have just mentioned. Beside this, we should havethe willingness to serve, and not force. I think most servers lack the knowledge of "proper serving" since not all of the servers come from the hospitality major, therefore, most of them only know how to serve the basic procedures. However if we look at the fine dining servers, they are well educated and knows the propoper manners in serving the guests. So to conclude this, different servers in different classes have their own style of servings their guests and we, as the future hoteliers, should know the proper ways of serving no matter in which classes we are working for.


  2. to be a good server.. first before the restaurant open, check all the cutlery is it complete or not. then after the restaurant open follow the procedures of SOP. Try make interaction with the guest, so they will feel happy. Smile, and become friendly to customer. Nowadays server not really use procedure SOP properly. Some obvious mistakes sometimes happen. A wrong entree from the same server that took the order is brought to the customer. it was happen because they didn't repeat customer order. Server nowadays also look like lazy to serve the guest.

    aaakhh missed pertamax @_@ LOL

  3. Good service for me is when we can satisfy our guest and provide everything the guest needs and wants. We must provide everything the guest needs before they ask something to you to provide it. For me service is not only in the restaurant operation, to a larger extent hospitality industry we must also know how to satisfy our guest with impeccable service and create amazing guest experience and impression to our business/company. We must possess the necessary traits to be a good server such as; willingness to serve, friendly, has a nice smile, discipline, have a good attitude and behavior. In my opinion the fundamental thing is to practice continually, only then can we become more skillful. The service in the big hotel five star hotels is better than two star hotels, like in quick service restaurant and in fine dining restaurant is quite different. The fine dining servers have high willingness to serve and they are arguably more educated. Different types of businesses have their own standard operational procedure and requirement regarding their server.

  4. Good service is when the server knows how to handle different kinds of customers, know the whole operation system, has a good attitudes and has the skill to get the customers come back again. How we become a good server are by learning the operation system, learning how to handle complaints, be a humble person, have the spirit and try to give a smile from the heart. I'm with Tiffany, in service nowadays most of them are not from hospitality major, so they only know the basic about of how to serve the customers. and usually, i can see that they seems like they only want to get over their job as fast as they can, they're not blend with the whole process and they forget to 'take care' the customers.

  5. I think good service is when the service delivered properly. For me It doesn't matter using a standard procedures or not, as long as the server is friendly.
    In my opinion, tipping is an essential in the restaurant because it will motivate the server to deliver the service properly. Obviously this is not the only reason, but with tipping will set the servers' mind that "good service=more tips". I know some people don't agree with this idea, but in the reality this is what happens.
    One thing is really bugging me a lot, when i eat in the restaurant after the server delivers the meal to me they just gone or maybe hide in the kitchen. In my opinion, the server should check the customer after served the meals. what do you guys think?

  6. first of all, i would like to apologize the late posting,Sir (:

    well for me a good service is the service that satisfied the guest. guest is everything. when you are able to satisfy them, that means you are providing a good service. apart from this, a very important aspect for a good service is the communication skill. this is important for every server in order to create a more relaxed atmosphere and know the guest's want. the server must be well informed about the Standard Operating Procedures in the restaurant, have a good attitude and high willingness to serve.

    nowadays, many restaurants had performed well in terms of services but still some are not. in some restaurants, the waiters are carefree and don't really have high willingness to serve. but on overall, it is improving when compare to many years ago.

  7. sory for the late post, got a problem with my internet connection.. :p

    anyway, my comment for this topic will be....

    Ok, Good service, well in my opinion remembering the steps of SOP, cleaning cutleries is important but it's more important to consider the service that a waiter or waitresses can provide to customers such a smile, courtesy and can compile everything that the guest needs to make their visit memorable and desirable.

    In my opinion, the quality of servers in Indonesia are improving compare to a few decades ago since the hospitality industry itself in Indonesia is improving but still rude and impolite waiter and waitresses can be find.
