Thursday, 11 March 2010


Consider the following issue;

The problem of attracting and retaining qualified hotel workers is increasingly becoming a global challenge. Wage levels, failure to adequately address worker satisfaction, and a reputation for long hours and low pay are all cited as contributing factors.

What innovative strategies can creative hospitality professionals develop to attract and retain high quality workers?

The deadline for comments on this post is March 19th.   

Happy blogging!  


  1. in my point of view, a managerial position or in this case is hospitality professional needs to focus on the relationship between them and the workers. frankly, the workers will improve their productivity and efficiency when they work, IF their supervisors or managers treat them well. Treating someone well is not always related to wage levels, or working hours but to create a warmth and friendly atmosphere in the work place. This method probably will help the workers to
    retain their productivity in work for the organization.

    what do you guys think?

  2. Good and qualify employees are somehow very precious to the company, as they are also the important key in the hotel operation. This is because, without the present of employee, hotel cannot be operated. Nowadays, the numbers of workers are keep on increasing, but somehow, the qualified one is difficult to find. This qualified worker can be identified by their skills, ability, attitude, discipline, and also loyalty. In order to build their loyalty towards the company, the manager must understand and care for them too. The manager has to be kind towards the employee but also be wise in leading them. The employees sometime need some refreshment too, so a trip from the office or some party might be an excellent way to get the loyalty of the employees. By this ways, the entire worker will be more happy and nice toward the company, and they will also become more serious, motivated and try to give their best for their works.

  3. today's standard of living is improving tremendously. in order to attract high quality worker, maybe it's better if the enterprise could provide more facilities for the worker; for example provide accommodation, transportation, medical facilities, etc. maintaining a better management way within working team is also important. communication between team members is essential for example by giving feedback and opinion about each other so that they will improve themselves. by keeping the worker motivated and happy with the working environment, it will helps in retaining the worker. to some extent,for those who perform excellent will be promoted to a higher position.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Qualified workers is often the key to a successful company. It is seek and demad by most companies. However, once they are being hired, the manager do not or mostly are not able to retain those workers. Manager should learn how to supervise and manage their employees since it is part of their job. Taking an example from one of the banks in Jakarta, they provide qualified workers with better facilities and free health treatments not just for the qualified employess but also for their family members which could be one of the reasons that qualified workers would want to be hired in that certain company. Further more, manager could also provide free meals for his employees who are staying up for long hours job or give extra wages as an appreciation for their efforts in working and helping the company. Not the least, communication should exist between the manager and the employee to avoid miscommunication. Employees should also be welcome to consult with the manager if any conflicts occurs such as in need of money or feeling unsatisfied with his salary or his job position.

  6. Industry needs to work together to develop strategies for rethinking and rehabilitating the industry's image as an exciting and rewarding career choice. The industry needs to share best practices for training and retention and make industry sponsored educational programs more readily available to employees at every organizational level. If already get professional employee, now is manager job to manage them and make them satisfied. If manager can't managed their team, is useless to do trainee for the employee. Manager can do for example like higher the salary if they work well and also they work for long hour. manager also can do promote for good employee. Not only manager make employee satisfied and make professional, working environment also affect. If working environment feel friendly worker will not get bored to work. But if the environment does not friendly they will lose their spirit to work

  7. Few people work just because they enjoy it. The majority work because they need to earn income to buy things needed for a living. As the qualified employees' basic need are met, people increasingly look for other factors to motivate them. 'Security' : good prospect of promotion or career progression, regular increases in pay, and pension at the end will give people a feeling of security if they plan for the future. 'A sense of belonging' and ' a sense of important', this is often coupled with status symbol, example: the higher the position, the more important the person feels. 'Motivation' is also very important. motivation can strength the commitment, such as: greater reliability, loyalty, good will.'Improve the relationship 'and 'listen to what the worker suggestion' can be a good strategies to retained and attract qualified employees.

  8. well done guys!
    As Elisa mentioned about "motivation",in my opinion what motivate me to work is to get money,to pay the bills of my household and "family".I don't mind to work with long hours as long as I can support my family needs by getting free trip for my family,and health insurance.


  9. hmm, high quality workers isn't it?
    Well i think it start during the recruitment. Make sure the employee know working with this hospitality industry is an advantage such as company's well known name. Make sure they also know that being accepted in this hospitality industry is hard this will lead to high esteem of the employee. Another way to recruit high quality workers is the wages. If the wages of the employee is not too high, make sure that the employee recevied tips when they do upselling or a good work. Program such as best employee should also be there in the hospitality industry so that the employee will strive harder to be the best employee. Other incentives can also be made available such as health care insurance. A good environment should also be created so that employee turnover is reduced. Anyway, to make this happen in the real world is hard.

  10. To attract and retain quality workers, as always hotel professionals must take these workers’ effort day-in day-out into consideration. A system of reward/incentives to bolster their spirits is necessary, for example an employee who has been chosen as employee of the month for 3 consecutive periods would be given a month’s bonus. The same goes to those who are underperforming. Should the human resource manager finds that one particular worker is lazy and not totally committed to his/her job, the hotel is entitled to cut this employee’s wage for the whole month. A good managerial skill may not be enough to keep all workers happy, the key is to have a profound and genuine working relationship between managers and subordinates.

  11. Nowadays, a work environment attracts, keeps, and motivates its workforce is one that gives workers a sense of pride and purpose in what they do. Manager has a very important role to create this work environment, so the employees also retain and work with pleasure in the company. So, what employees want actually? As my researched, Wikipedia stated the same things that every employees have always wanted, which are ‘Challenging And Stimulating Work, Fair Pay, And Treated Well By Their Managers. One Of The Most Important Factors Is The Work Environment Itself, How The Employees Feel About The Company’, and the other action that the manager may do to retain the employees is providing transportation for them. Mostly, employees decide to not work anymore in the company because of the place is too far from their way home, and they think they will spend much money just for the transportation. We, as the manager should give this flexibility for them, give this facility to make them easier, if it can’t be done for some reason, at least we add them transportation fee every month. 
The flexibility, understanding, and can act fairly and wisely is the most important in the company to make them feel welcome and absolutely it may retain our employees.

    reference: Wikipedia

  12. i feel that we have to have a good relationship with the workers. we have to give them what they deserve. if they work well then we have to pay them well, if our workers are happy, then the customers are happy, and when the customers are happy, then we are happy. we have to make the workers excited to be working for us.

  13. Every worker has their own satisfaction. For example: for women who already married and have a child will be looking for a job that offers good facilities and health insurance rather than just a big salary. for the man (same case) will be looking for a job that offers highest salary that can earned a living for his family. and for those who freshly graduated will be looking for experience and a good position, they don't really think about the health insurance, etc. therefore, the management who recruit the workers must know exactly what the workers want so the management can stimulate them, so they can give their best performance to the customers. And like Gati said, everyone will be happy. Also, “Employee of the month” and a bonus (ex: in holiday season) will be motivate them too

  14. to keep on retaining high quality staff..the industry has to start from when they are recruiting their staff..apart from the interview..i think that the industry/company should have some sort of entertainment or refreshments around once a month like a family gathering where the the employee and their family gets to enjoy and relax and release the burden and problems and feel refreshed..not just that..but the company should also have rewards to keep the staff motivated..

  15. well for me, to keep the staff happy with their work, the industry should also have a reward like employee of the month or something else different from any other places to keep the staff motivated..not only that...but i think the industry should also provide facilities that can be enjoyed by not just the staff,but also the family members.

  16. mr lee..jenny is using my account for this entry ecause hse had problems logging in!!

    In my point of view, I think the good ways to retain the high quality workers are by giving them a training which can teach them a new things and also keep developing their ability in each department and also by the field trip for example the firms can choose one or two of the best trainee to do the field trip out of country then they can have a chance to learn a good things such as the services from that country.How to attract?maybe by offering the high salary to the workers and give them an insurance such as if the workers get an accident or something then the company will take the responsible to pay the hospital fee.

  17. In order to attract and retain highly qualified workers, it is important to establish a sense of pride, working in the industry. Service industry is just as the name imply, what we do is we serve other people. The problem is, some people tend to view this kind of job as degrading when really working in the service industry does not necessarily mean that you're working as a servant. What differentiates us is the qualifications we have and that should be enough to establish pride in doing our jobs.

  18. in my opinion, i think that they need to have good relationship, good communication. It is because there are alot of different capacities and qualifications in a job.
    besides that, it is important to trained and motivate the workers to work.. So they have something to achieve..

  19. There are many ways to attract and retain high quality workers. The first factor people want to work is to earn money to fulfill their needs and wants. The other factors are that they want to feel a part of the organization(social needs), feeling important in the business and to achieve job satisfaction.The industry should concern about these factors to keep the high quality workers. Motivation is important and should be built in the business. A well-motivated workforce helps to raise productivity. How could managers motivate their employees? The motivating factors could be done by providing job security,job satisfaction,working hours,working conditions and pay, fringe benefits, prestige and recognition, a reasonable pay to employees who do good work, holidays. This could also be done by giving chances of promotion.
    In my point of view,giving chances of training is essential in order to increase their skills, knowledge as well as raising their awareness. As a result, employees will be more committed in doing their work effectively and productively.
