Monday, 18 January 2010

Good luck for the final exam!

Dear students,

At Fenni's request, I would like to give you all a little info regarding the final exam.

You can expect the test format / types of questions to be similar to that / those encountered on the mid-term. Having said that, be aware that, as this test weighs 35 percent of your final grade, many of the questions require a more productive response, rather than simply answering multiple choice questions or completing gap fills. This may include, but is not limited to, dialogues, professional letters, requests for information, polite forms etc...

Due to the productive nature of this test, language use (i.e grammar), polite forms etc will be assessed through various sections of the exam - special instructions explaining this are included where relevant.

The test content could be broken down in the following way;
  • vocabulary - 20%
  • grammar - 10%
  • dialogues - 40%
  • professional writing - 30%
In terms of revision, as the test focuses more heavily on the second half of the course, you should focus your revision on course content from the second half of the course. However, you should also expect to be tested on the earlier units as well, so... I think you catch my drift :)

If you have any further questions, please feel free to email or contact me through the blog.

Good luck to you all,

Mr. Lee

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