Thursday, 3 December 2009

Open Discussion

Dear students,

For this week's blog, please generate discussion on any aspect of your studies or topics related to hotel and tourism.

You may wish to reflect upon your experiences of studying this major so far.

Has studying HTM been as you expected when you choose this major?

Have there been any surprises along the way?

Which part of your studies have you enjoyed most/least?

The deadline for comments on this post Friday 11th December 2009.

Happy blogging!

Mr. Lee


  1. overall..i enjoy taking this major..especially compared to the major i took when i was in malaysia..i was taking a double degree course in malaysia majoring in communication and psychology..and compared to that course..this is way better..if i would have known that htm was this fun and interesting..i would have chosen this major from the first time.some of the courses being taught in this course are interesting..especialy those related to the hospitality industry..but honest to say..for me, math, information system and marketing is not interesting for me..but apart from that..everything is well..the things that has been taught hasnt really surprised me yet because i do alot of travelling myself and i've been going in and out of different hotels and so it hasnt really surprised me. probably the most surprising thing for me is that the fact being at the front office is not as easy as it looks..but other than that..nothing has surprised me yet!but im sure that something will surprise me one day :)

  2. Being one of the students in HTM class is the honor for me. I feel that this class is nice and fine. Everything like the friends, lessons, class, and lecturer are all enjoyable for me. By coming to the university, I knew somehow the lessons or the environment will be different from school, but in this class, I can easily adapt and so I felt really helped. In studying this hotel and tourism industry, it makes me gain a lot of information which is very precious. Now, I had known more details about the hotel and restaurant industry, can learn more about the mathematics, marketing, information system, and can improve my English. I admitted that the study in this major is not smooth throughout. Sometimes I also feel that this lesson is totally new for me and it breaks my mental down. So, in order to survive, I should think positively, and keep smiling when faced any obstacle in front. The things that I know is bad are about learning in angrek campus. I don’t really like the campus atmosphere. The reasons of it I myself am not sure either. But I hope that it will not last long, so after I success in adapt, I can love more about the campus. I had enjoyed almost all parts of the study; I didn’t want to lose these experiences even a little. I hope that the study can be more interesting and fun, I looking forward for the surprising experience in this class. Thanks all for the time which we have until now, it is really lovable and fun. XD

  3. i have no regrets being an HTM student. its incredibly fun and i think it suits my personality. there are so many things that i have learned from HTM. not only by the subjects that we are learning but also the discipline and the passion we have to have to be in this industry. through this major, i have met people that work really hard to get to where they are now. it simply amazes me. i hope, i can be like them in the future with the work that i have done. and i wish to be more than i am now.

  4. I love HTM because this was the major that I wanted to take since graduated from high school. So far I've learned many things, such as: managing a hotel, acting as a front desk agent, and doing a marketing plan for hotel. However, the best knowledge that I've got so far is from lecturers' experiences. The lecturers in Binus are willing to share their experiences from A-Z about hospitality industry. This knowledge is priceless because I can't find in the manual books of hospitality. In spite of all the experiences, the lecturers also give us a valuable knowledge. Therefore, I never have a single doubt that I won't succeed in this industry

  5. Studying HTM has been pretty much what I expected from Day 1, I have gathered valuable informations from my seniors in high school that chose HTM as their major. As helpful as it might be, some of the courses still spring a couple of surprises for me. I was expecting to study foreign languages early in this semester (Mandarin, French,etc), instead I have to setle with maths (oh no!) and information system. I have developed quite a chemistry with my fellow HTM students, and as time goes by, I am starting to gel with them and feel more comfortable studying and learning in university. The part that I loved the most is room division, where all of us get to learn what hotels do everyday. It certainly gives insight that might come in handy should any of us happens to have a career in hotel industry.

  6. i am enjoying this major so far. HTM is interesting and all the materials to be studied are unlike any others. i found my passion here in HTM. from this major i know that working in hotels is not as easy as what people think. some departments like room division is quite complicated in the operation. in addition to this, the lecturer shared most of their experiences to us and this is very precious since it gives us an overview about how the 'real world' is out there. it is fun to learn these things and i love it. there's not much surprises so far in this major since i like to read about hotels in the past few years. i just feel so thankful that i had chosen the right path for my future.

  7. HTM is the major that i wanted since i was a kid. And I'm thankful that i have no regret being an HTM student. This major is really suit me and it's more interesting than i expected before. The things that surprised me is knowing that our schedule is going to be busier than other major, but I'm sure i can keep up. And clearly work in this industry is not easy as we see and it need a high enthusiasm and effort to suffer in the industry, but it's worth it. The part that i enjoyed so much is heard the lecturer's experiences, it helps me imagine how it can be when i work in the future. I really wish i can make the grade in the university and have a successful career in hospitality industry in the future.

  8. Studying HTM has been very much enjoyable for me so far. Compared to the nightmare I had when studying Information System last year. I’ve always been interested in the Tourism industry, I love to travel, meeting new people, seeing new places, understanding new cultures and I think studying HTM would open the door for me to see much more of the world.
    Talking about the HTM major itself, and the subjects I have to study. I have to say HTM study is much more involving than any other studies in binus, I think—in a good way of course. Never gets boring, I love that we get to do practical work often. Also I find my classmates really friendly and cooperative. The lecturers are great as well. Honestly, studying hasn’t been this fun since so long! As for the surprises, no surprises yet. All have been going on as I expected so far. But our internship semester is coming up soon, hopefully there will be loads of great surprises then, I’m really looking forward to it.

  9. This major is what makes me in the future. I love this major and I think it is not an easy major as the name sounds. This major was out of my expactations since at first i thought it was going to be easy and things would flow smoothly. However as I face my days, it turns out to be bumpy road! All subjects are uneasy for me however I believe if we put all of our effort into it, the result is going to be pleasing. So far, I would have to say that I have enjoyed all of the subjects because it has taught me different things which I would never have learned outside this major.
    I believe that in the future, all of us(HTM) are going to be successful and hope we can all work in one hotel hahaha : D
    cheers. have a nice weekend sir

  10. Mr Lee, sorry for the late posting.. I just open the blog. So, what can I say about HTM? Well, the purpose i took this major because I think that this major has a good prospect in the future especially in the carrier stream. Another reason was that Hospitality and Tourism is in my blood since my mom opened a restaurant. (Promotion is allowed right? lol) I have been studying this major for at least 3 to 4 months i guess and it is exactly what as i expected. Many job opportunities and the industry itself is growing which is definitely a positive sign and which makes me relieve that i have choosen this major. It was an honour though that Binus International accepted me in this major. For the subjects? I think that it would be moderate easy and hard. (you know what i mean right?) It was quite a surprise that there is Maths but yeah that's life. Life is full of surprises and that's the beauty of it. My conclusion is that I have no regret of taking HTM as my major and I have to say that I am proud to be a HTM student.

  11. Sir lee,, I am really really sorry for the late submission of the posting :( .
    So,talking abot this major of HTM..I never regret that I had taken this major. There are many job possibilities when we took HTM. I am really enjoying HTM so far. I learn many things and gain new knowledge from the lecturers for these 3-4 months studies in Binus.The lecturers always share their experiences working in a hotel and it helps me a lot. In these 3 - 4 months studies in Binus, we had been learning more on theory and a little bit of practical which is performing as a front officer.
    All of the courses that I had learnt are important. However, to be honest I don't feel that learning Information System as well as Marketing are enjoyable to study. And actually I don' like Mathematics, but when it comes to the course, I feel that it is interesting so far :). Talking about surprises, there had been no suprises yet. However, suprises will soon comes to me as I will face the practical courses and the internship. Lastly,I always have a positive thought that I could do my best in this major.
    Once againn,,sorry for the late posting sir.
    Happy Holiday :)
