Write freely on the following topic for 10 minutes.
Learning English: What do you like about it? What do you dislike? What do you find difficult? What is easy for you?
The deadline for comments on this post is Thursday 17th September, 2009.
Happy blogging!
for me, learning english is fun. with learning we started to discover a lots of new things that we haven't know before, for example high-level vocabulary and unfamiliar terminologies. what i don't like about learning englih is reading comprehension. i don't know why but i find it difficult and sometimes quite tricky.
ReplyDeleteconversation seems to be more easier for me, when compare to the other.
anyway, i enjoy learning english so far.
I will have to agree with Suryana. English do have lots of high-level of vocabularies and terminologies. While in fact they actually have another easier words to be use.
ReplyDeleteI think learning English is fun because it is useful in today and tomorrow's society. What I dislike about english the most is the GRAMMAR. As you might have discovered it yourself by simply reading my comment, there are lots of grammatical errors. PLEASE DO COORECT MY MISTAKES okay sir?
I think English is easy to learn and write compared to Chinese characters since English is in alphabets, while Chinese characters are in strokes.
Thank You : )
Suryana, you are so hardworking. The first to leave your assignment. WOOWWW : D
oh by the way people, after submitting your assignments, please do leave a comment for the layout.thankss : )
ReplyDeletehmm... a ten minute blog in english, hmm, wait is this supposed to be formal or chill? Well, to be safe, ill do 50 % of it chill, and the other half formal i guess. Wait so does punctuation, grammar, and other stuff count?...don't know but, here we go...
ReplyDeleteSo a free writing topic on English and what I like or dislike and what do I find difficult and what do I find easy...Geez, where do i start...plus its been nearly two minutes now. Okay, concentrate, focus, lets get formal!
In today's modern society, it would suffice to say that English is predominantly known and accepted as the leading universal language. Although the rising tied of China's economic boom might alter individual opinions' to presume that Mandarin may very well be the future number one spoken language. But that's an entirely different topic. So being that the English language is world renown, we tend to come across it everyday like it or not and sometimes even unknowingly. Sign's and advertisement billboards or other means of illustrations frequently possesses the English language even if it's a country where English is not the native language. In fact, due to the over bearing popularity of the English language, many languages unofficially adopt certain words to be used commonly. Take the words such as open, closed, toilet, yes, no, good, bad, cool, or bye as some examples. These are just several reasons as to why perhaps I find learning English to be quite enjoyable. The reaps of benefits are endless! Whether it's socially, educationally, breaking communicative barriers, broadening your knowledge, or making you more attractive through a working environment standpoint, having the ability to fluently write and speak in English is a definite positive. With that said, why wouldn't I like learning English? Who in the world would not like a positive thing especially when it benefits us ourselves in the end. (argh 7 minutes...three minutes to go...wait if I stop here, I think Mr. Lee would buy it that I did this in ten...hmm...nah, lets stick with honesty...it's a good virtue to have.)
ReplyDeleteOn the contrary, I would not be completely honest if I did have some negative perception of having to learn English in Binus International. Personally, I think it's a misuse of my time where other more vital productive tasks could be dealt with alternatively. Of course I shall stress my position in hoping that this will be to no offence to anybody but I certainly do dislike having to take an Intermediate English course mandatorily. I would like to also state that this is not out of an egoistic emotion but rather through a logically intuitive perspective. I find that my other subjects such as Econ Math and Information Systems are quite challenging. Having something unfeasibly means that I would require a lot of time and dedication towards those subjects if I wish to succeed. However, I do admit that I can sometimes be classified as an established under-achiever; therefore, perhaps this English course might me a gift to elevate my grade point average. Yet at the same time, I fear having this perception for it may backfire and not go according to my desiring outcome.
ReplyDeleteWithout a shadow of doubt, my ability in the English language is no where near to perfection. Constant grammatical errors and improper literary device placements are a common theme to be found in my writing or other works involving English. I do admit that I at times struggle with structure, sentence fluency, and coherent focus throughout my works and therefore, that is an area which I find rather difficult. Still I am confident that learning English is easier then it is harder. Going to my previous point, English is everywhere. With that in mind, it means that learning it will be easier in comparison to other languages such as French or Spanish. We see it everywhere and we use it everyday even if it's just simple words or phrases. We hear it in our music, in movies, and it is basically a part of our lifestyle and culture. If there is one language that is easiest to learn out of all the others, I believe that many would indisputably agree to it being the English language.
In conclusion, I find that English is a very pleasurable language to learn and know. Especially since the language has so many aspects and characteristics that makes it unconstricting. History has shown the evolution of the English language formally or even in it's preferred or favorable slang. Sometimes I find that the English language can be meddled with so simply making it ironic or humorous. Now I shall end my blog session with a quote by Ralph Wiggum from The Simpsons as an example of simple grammatical English Humor. "Me fail English? That unpossible! (haha, lol...maybe you have to see it when he says it...it makes more funny.
~till the next assignment,toodles and always, "East Side Till we Die"
WOW nice work Dim!
ReplyDeleteEnglish English English!
As Dimitri mentioned before, English nowdays is a "universal languange". It's more like a "must" rather than for fun.
I like to learn English in the first place because it was like a "lifestyle" before or maybe until now. If you can speak English, you are cool. Hahahaha, I bet you guys all think the same way. Do you know why? because we are from Eastern culture, we have a mind set that every single thing from western is cool, eventhough sometimes the culture itself won't fit. For example I watch tv or movie,they are all using English,i try to imitate an actor or a singer from the way they talk until their greetings. I personally dislike grammar. for example, this assignment "free writing" it means I can express my idea with out any limitation. For me grammar is less important than then ideas. Because the main reason of writing is to express my ideas. Grammar just a facilitator to express ideas on writing. well I'm not saying that grammar is not important at all, what I'm saying is, grammar helps us to organize or make the readers to understand the writing or essay, but the key element is still the ideas.
I find writing is a bit harder than speaking.Frankly, a person starts to speak since two years old or so. However, a person learn to write probably at age 6 or 7.
Wow this is the only i've got.......
Guys, please stop! You're killing me really... I don't think my heart can take it... I mean what is going on here? So many first year students making intelligent and meaningful contributions. Forgive me, but this is just so alien to me. In fact, it has been quite some time since I met a bunch of students with IQ's higher than that of the common flea (no offence to fleas intended).
ReplyDeleteDimitri, as far as your comments about high level students having to take an intermediate English course are concerned, well, I could not agree with you more. I will look into this for you. For me it would have made far more sense to run two English programs this semester, but who am I to display such flawless logic?
ciao ciao, without saying como estas?? hmm,
ReplyDeleteall i can say is i think the fleas arnt um, gona be burnin ur house down anytime soon. (knock on wood).
HTM is still a new major right, so it be hard to make a request for two separate english courses. Unless its as a whole where every students from other majors who are able to sit in the higher level english course are mixed together. I dont think its a question of logic or anything, i think its more to do with the back office and financial issues. Having separate classes means more teachers, schedule changes, and basically it wont happen in a blink of an eye. But yes i do agree, it would be better. arveduci, haha dont noe how to spell it
Dimitri should stop taking English classes for Tourism. He is already a perfectionist. : )
ReplyDeleteMr. Lee, Hahaha this is only four of us!! there are still 18 more students haven't participate.So my advice is "sit back and enjoy" because it's going to be messy or i would say "Chaos". Especially the LADIES.
Dimitri,look at the bright side at least we learn something, such as blogging.
ReplyDeleteFor us, it's really nice to have a person that really good at English besides Mr. Lee. So you, Dimitri, probably can help us. ~b (does it look like a thumbs up??)
merci beaucoup
Dimitriiii, your post is soooo perfect! i'm envy you.. sorry Mr. Lee, i'm not good at English. my chinese is better than my english since i have been studying in China for 1,5years. then i have to translate from bahasa to chinese then from chine to english.. i'm so stress and depressed when i know the word in chinese but i forget how to sy in english. please help me.. T0T
ReplyDeletelets start to Mr.Lee assigment.. what i like about english is that english is an universal language. everwhere you are if you can speak English you won't get lost. haha.. so, i try harder to harder to learn english.. what i dislike about english is Grammar.. it's so confusing for me.. when u have to use adverb, hen u have to use adjective, blablabla.. i still can't differentiate between adverb and adjective now.. My speaking is not well too. everytime i heard Dimitri and kevin speak, i always ask my self, " when i can speak as well as them?" hahaha..
however, my dad always says to me that don't be afraid when you speak and it is false, the police won't caught you. so, i start to become feel free to speak up.
You are correct in what you say, Dimitri. Nevertheless, I would still like to bring it up, so that such considerations can be made in future.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments Yurika. Your father is absolutely correct. After all, what would we ever hope to achieve without the fear of failure? Of course, I will help you in any way I can.
Word out
word out, aha, gangsta gangsta G! Stayin fly huh in ur old age,,,hehe, kidding ur still young...hey ur like 4 years apart from kevin! lol
ReplyDeleteYURI.can you speak cantonesee???
ReplyDeletewow..you awesome.ive been staying in macau for the past 9 years and my mandarin still suck like hell : (
ReplyDeletedude I'm still 16++!
you guys have to come to my Sweet seventeen next year!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteFor me, Learning English is little beat hard. Sorry, Mr Lee my english is not good and plesee help me in this course T.T Nowadays, learning english is very important. It’s compulsory for us to speak english fluently. In our industry english is a must, because it is a universal language, and if we can’t speak english our hotel will be blacklist with our customer.
ReplyDeleteI think learning english is very useful for our society in the future. I always try harder to improve my english. What I dislike about english THE MOST is GRAMMAR. I really really don’t like to learn about grammar. It’s confusing for me T.T Becauce, there are a lot of rules to learn english grammar. Maybe, in this essay there are a lot of grammar mistake. Hehe sorry sir : )
In learning english I like to have a convertation, it more easier for me than writting an essay. I can’t be perfect to write an essay because I’m bad in grammar and I can’t use the high level vocabulary. So, my essay will be standart than Dimitry haha. But, overall I will try my best to improve my english!!
OMG, already so many comments!! OMG, Dimitri, what are you talking about?? So long!! hahaha.. so, let me start my comments.. =P What do i like about English? Let me think.. Well, English is an international language and for me speaking English sounds cool and people will admire us for speaking English.. =P For the dislike, people see us as arrogant and trying to be cool to speak a foreign language such as English. The difficult part of English, i would have to say the grammars, past tense, present tense. i usually mixed all the tenses.. For the easy part of English, well, i don't see English as an easy subject.. I think English is a difficult subject due to the grammars and tenses which other languages do not have..
ReplyDeleteFor me learning english was fun, I like to study english, so I can study more language not only Indonesia. Nowadays, english become international language so is important to study it. With English also we can make a lot of friend, and also it's important also to Job.
ReplyDeleteIn study english really i don't like to study GRAMMAR, cause it's make me confused and headache..
So Mr.Lee if I have grammar mistake forgive me =P
I will study hard to learn more about grammar LOL..
i guess for me english is pretty fun, it's a refreshing subject where you don't have to think much. but you definitely have to understand. what's difficult? hmm.. reading, i know it's easy but sometimes too much reading can easily make me dizzy so, reading is one of the things that i don't like about learning english. what's easy, well what makes it easy are the things that i like, so what i like about studying english is whenever we have a discussion about something. that's always fun :)
ReplyDeletelearning english is fun but i don't like assigment especially writing. writing is like communicate through letters on a pieces of paper. i prefer speak up my mind with orally and body languages.
ReplyDeletekevin you really 16++.im still waiting for your 17th birthday next year.hahahahah
ReplyDeletefor me, i grew up with this language, since my father is an american..so it is nothing new for me. the thing about english is that it can be the most simple/easy language to learn and yet a very hard and complicated language because one word can mean so many different things. what i like about learning english while i was growing up is that i have my father to correct my grammar as i speak with him and also the fact that i use this language on a daily basis so i can now spot where i made the mistake. the only thing that i dont like about learning english is the grammar because grammar is where im weak at and has always been my weakness. sometimes what i find difficult about learning english is grammar and tenses. sometimes i get all the tenses or the use of tense wrong and mixed up. but the easy thing about learning english is once i understand which tense i use and all in an essay for example, i can just read it out loud and then spot my mistake..i guess this is all that im going to write :)!
ReplyDeletehappy reading mr. lee!!
I must say, I like this form of blogging –or more like commenting on blogs-better than just posting up random essays like I’ve been doing in my previous Academic English classes; a lot more interactive, still educative however less boring. Cheers Mr Lee!
ReplyDeleteAnyways, what I like about learning English is that it’s probably one of- if not the easiest subjects I get to study. Compared to all those stuff like math, programming, micro econs, etc. –basically all the mind boggling subjects that make you go mental. Compared to them, English is a refreshingly easy subject (I think). Of course, learning all the high level vocabularies and terminologies can be pretty challenging, but I suppose that’s where the fun is! That said, learning English can be difficult as well to some extents. Even a native speaker who’s been learning and using English as the first language all their life, can still make mistakes; be that grammatical, spelling, pronunciation. I make those mistakes too pretty often. So I guess as much as I hate learning grammar it’s something I still need to learn continuously.
The part I like most on learning English would have to be essay writing. It’s probably derived from my love of reading, and I can always be easily inspired and touched by great writings so I suppose that’s where the motivation comes from. When I said I love essay writing, I didn’t mean that it’s the easiest part of learning English though because it might as well be the toughest part. I make loads of mistakes when writing essays, grammatical errors, typos, lack of coherence. I also tend to elaborate too much on some parts, and then am too brief on the other parts. Also my liking of essay writing is pretty much conditional; I only like writing essays when I can choose my own topics.
Alrighty that’s about 10 minutes I think, now I need to snooze to be able to get up in time to watch the Chelsea porto game. Until next post!
In my view, English is a wonderful language because everyone knows this language even they can't speak it up fluently. English is pretty fun and interest thing for me because it makes me more easier to have a conversation with westerner or others. I do dislike the grammar because it needs carefulness and sometimes I don't know how to differentiate the "tenses" but now I try to heart the grammar because I think it's the important part of English. I guess, essay is a little bit difficult for me because sometimes I don't know actually what does the topic mean. seems like conversation is easier than the others. I totally like an English conversation (^_^)
ReplyDeletehey tiff, I heart this layout so much!
ReplyDeletebecause it looks so natural for me and I like this kind of colours at all..
anyway thanks yea ^^
ReplyDeletethankss hehehehe.I thinkt his layout is pretty simple but elegant : )acceptable for both genders.
in my point of view learning english is very fun and useful because it's an international language that were able to use in almost every country in the world. and so if i go for holiday to other certain country i can interact easily with other people.. the fun part is when i'm learning english at home, is by watching dvd's without the subtitle lol , it's help though.. i agree with some of the student, what i dislike and the difficult part is the grammar, it makes me so confused, i'm weak at this.. so help us mr.Lee! :)
ReplyDeletenice writing Dimitri!
Happy holiday guys!
ReplyDeletehai guys..did you still open the blog,because this holiday i'm not going anywhere..call me if you have plan to hang out together.haha x)
ReplyDeletehey mr lee sorry for the last minute submission. i just remember that i have an assignment on this :D well the main reason that i like about learning english is because i can explore the world more. why? because it's obvious that english is the international language that commonly used worldwide. beside that by learning english sometimes i become the "translator" for my parents while traveling abroad (too bad i'm not get paid on this. well it's my pleasure for helping them.LOL :D ). anyway i have no point why i should dislike learning English EXCEPT if the lecturer such a killer and fussy while lecturing (i'm sure you are not, mr lee, aite?). the difficult part learning English is the grammar. i found it not really applicable for daily conversation because we sometimes speak in English without concern on the grammar as long as the listener get the point of what we are talking about. However it useful for the purpose of writing formal letter or in a formal conversation though. Finally, it's easy to study English because nowadays we equipped with so many gadget that have dictionary feature installed and it really helpful for direct translation and the most important thing mr. lee will make it easier for us to study English for Tourism, won't u mr Lee? :D
ReplyDeleteicut, hmm doesnt like to write, communicates....orally, and with body language, wow, k kewl, i kinda dig that, aha...kidding, POWER TO THE PINK!
ReplyDeleteMr Lee,REALLY sorry for the late submission.
ReplyDeleteOk,so let me begin my writing. Well,I love learning English.English is important for me.The main reason I study English is because English is worldwide used. In order to survive in the professional world,we have to have proper English and good speech.Imagine if people didn't learn English? How can they communicate with foreign people? Especially when we go overseas.Not only that, English language is important and beneficial in our Hospitality industry.It will be easier for us to get an internship in our field of study.What do I dislike in learning English? I dislike in doing the comprehension reading as well as the intense vocabulary.However, I will try and do my best sir. ^^What is easy for me? Well,I do like writing essays as I can share my opinions and my point of view.Lastly,learning English never ends for me. There are always many words that I have never heard before, that's why there is the help of dictionary,which improves my English.
Again,sorry for the late submission Mr Lee.
Sir Lee... please forgive me.. T.T
ReplyDeleteI'm late for this assignment for almost 2 weeks. because i had forgot about the assignment in the blog. so now, i will began my assignment.
According to me english is a very important subject nowadays, as everyone in the world have to admitt and follow the trends occured in this world. English had became the main language in all of the country. So, we have to mastered it. Although me myself was poor in my english skill but i hope that by having the habit in talking english daily can help to improve my english better.
I like english because english is not so different with indonesian. As english is also using abc alphabeth for writting not like the mandarin which use the symbols for their writting.. The difficulies is for the grammar, i am very weak in my grammar..
The easy part in learning english is bacause we heard many english talking nowadays everywhere, like in movie, song and etc. So, these are also help us in learning the english..
I think now the time taken had alreay reached 10 minutes and so i have to finished my assignment..
if my post can not be understand due to my wrong words please ask and comments about it..
Thank you..
OMG!! Mr lee... sry2.. so late to submit this.. until 10 mnt ago, i still confused how to get this thing, n your mail, i havent opened it.. sooo.. big2 sry to u..
ReplyDelete10mnt right?
i like to study english because, its fun to chat with english, although my grammer n my spelling not right, and many good movies are speak english right.
and because of my major HTM, now i try to study english much harder, like chat with a good grammer, write in a good spelling, and many more.
i fell so difiicult in grammer.. huh.. always, grammer n grammer..
and what i like in english is, because many people know english, hehe..
pink..oohh god, tif,maybe you should try another color!!wow, you can make me blind tif,,another soft pink maybe.if you really like pink..
ReplyDeleteMr. Lee im just wondering about the new assignment. did you post it yet?
ReplyDeletehave a nice weekend guys.
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